Changes in interest rates and volume of loans versus changes in interest rates of NBP in years 2008–2015

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Rafał Balina
Sławomir Juszczyk

Keywords : monetary policy, the NBP interest rates, loans to businesses
The aim of this study was to determine the evolution of the basic NBP interest rates and their impact on the change in the volume of loans to the non- -financial corporations granted in Poland in the years 2008–2015. The analysis shows formation of the relationship between selected NBP interest rates, the volume of loans to non-financial corporations and the average interest rate on these loans. In the research were used statistical tools to establish relationships between variables. The results indicated presence of a strong relationship between changes in NBP interest rates and interest rate on loans to non-financial corporations. In addition, studies have shown that changes in interest rates has corresponded whit inadequate level of changes in the volume of loans to non-financial corporate sector.

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How to Cite
Balina, R., & Juszczyk, S. (2017). Changes in interest rates and volume of loans versus changes in interest rates of NBP in years 2008–2015. Zarządzanie Finansami I Rachunkowość , 5(1), 45–52.

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