Direct evaluation indicators of the industrial enterprises’ activity for innovativeness in Poland

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Anna Wasilewska

Keywords : innovative activity; industrial enterprises; innovation expenditure; product and process innovations
The level and structure of innovation expenditures, the share of innovative enterprises due to their product and process innovations, the novelty degree of innovation and the share of proceeds of innovative products’ sale in total amount of sale are included to the assessment industrial enterprises’ innovativeness. They are defined as a direct indicators of innovative activity in economic literature. These indicators were applied in the paper to the evaluation of innovativeness of Polish industrial enterprises, which employed over 49 employees. The highest expenditures on innovative activity were in 2008. Next, the permanent decline of this expenditures was observed, to the level of PLN19,377 million in 2011. Industrial enterprises were not too active in searching of the new solutions. The expenditures for purchase of the new machinery, buildings and equipment amounted from 76.4 to 84.5% of total expenditures, while the share of expenditures for research and development amounted from 8.1 to 14.6%. Therefore the innovative activity of Polish enterprises can be defined as an imitation activity. Moreover in the period 2004–2011, the share of innovative enterprises has decreased from 42.5 to 35%. The enterprises were much more interested in process innovations than in product innovations. In addition, the percentage of the enterprises introducing product innovations was decreasing successively. The outcome of this decline was the reduction of proceeds of new and improved product sale in the total amount of sale.

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How to Cite
Wasilewska, A. (2013). Direct evaluation indicators of the industrial enterprises’ activity for innovativeness in Poland. Zarządzanie Finansami I Rachunkowość , 1(1), 15–24.

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