Problem with measuring effectiveness of banks

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Kinga Stępień

Keywords : bank efficiency; inputs; outputs; deposits; intermediary approach
The article discusses the problem of placement of deposits in incomes or outcomes in the assessment of the efficiency of banks. The main objective is to carry out a comparison involving the examination and classification of deposits to bank’s inputs or outputs has an effect on the results of the analysis of effectiveness. Two concepts was adopted. In the first case the deposits are incomes in the bank’s operations. In the second deposits qualified for the outputs of the bank. Using DEA method determined values of technical efficiency and scale efficiency for both the considered cases. The results were compared using appropriate statistical tools. The study shows that it is difficult to determine whether the different treatment of deposits has a significant impact on the level of technical efficiency indicators obtained. There are certain conditions which allow for arbitrary eligibility of deposits to the inputs or outputs of the bank.

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How to Cite
Stępień, K. (2015). Problem with measuring effectiveness of banks. Zarządzanie Finansami I Rachunkowość , 3(2), 87–98.

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