The impact of bank credit on economic growth in Poland

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Mateusz Folwarski

Keywords : credit, economic growth, households
Banks during the financial crisis 2007–2009 and immediately after it significantly reduced lending (including through the regulation of mortgage loans in foreign currency for households and companies for fear of “bad loans”). The loan can provide a broad and narrow term, as an opportunity and a threat to the various economic operators and the entire country. Poland is one of the leaders in credit growth across the European Union but in Poland credits granted by the banking sector are increasingly better paid, and the analysis of the tendencies and ability to repay these loans is more precisely analyzed by financial institutions. The study identifies significant link between changes in non-financial sector lending by banks in Poland, along with changes in economic growth. It shows important, a high correlation between the increase in housing loans to households and GDP growth.

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How to Cite
Folwarski, M. (2016). The impact of bank credit on economic growth in Poland. Zarządzanie Finansami I Rachunkowość, 4(3), 5–14.

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