The amount of statutory grant and scientific efficiency of Warsaw Universityof Life Sciences’ faculties

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Piotr Pietrzak

Keywords : public finance, statutory grant, scientific efficiency, composite indicators
Both in Poland and in other European Union countries, universities are primarily financed from public funds. This is due to the role that societies assign the spread of higher education. However, increasingly important in determining the level of public funds play performance indicators. Thus, the starting point in designing procedures for allocation is the postulate that more efficient units (faculties) should get much more funds than to less efficient. The hypothesis of the research assumes that there is a high positive correlation between the amount of the statutory grant and scientific efficiency of Warsaw University of Life Sciences’ faculties.

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How to Cite
Pietrzak, P. (2017). The amount of statutory grant and scientific efficiency of Warsaw Universityof Life Sciences’ faculties. Zarządzanie Finansami I Rachunkowość, 5(2), 65–75.


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