Determinants of financial safety listed banks in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe

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Krzysztof Kil

Keywords : listed banks; financial safety; CEE; Z-score
The paper analyzes determinants of financial safety of listed banks in countries of Central and Eastern Europe in the years 2004–2014, with the countries being divided into groups: Central Europe, South-Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States. An overview of selected existing research in this area was presented and the impact of macro- and microeconomic factors on the safety factor, measured by total capital ratio, Tier 1 and E/A and the index Z-score, was assessed. Significant differences in safety determinants between banks in different research groups, both pre- and post-crisis, were observed.

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How to Cite
Kil, K. (2015). Determinants of financial safety listed banks in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Zarządzanie Finansami I Rachunkowość , 3(4), 5–17.

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