The financial situation of dairy cooperatives with different credit position

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Teresa Domańska

Keywords : dairy cooperatives; financial situation; credit position
This article presents financial situation of diary cooperatives with different credit positions. In order to estimate their situation, the rates of financial remuneration, adjusted profitability, indebtedness and effectiveness of work were used. The diary cooperatives may apply a position of a donator or a recipient of trade credit which can influence a level of the attained incomes. A credit position will be dependant to numerous factors, like e.g. a strategy of managing working capital, a position on a market and the practices used in the trade. The financial situation of the diary cooperatives was varied depending on the applied by the managers of those diary cooperatives credit positions. A lower financial remuneration and adjusted profitability were noticed in the group of those diary cooperatives which have applied the position of recipient of trade credit than in the case of the group of the diary cooperatives which have decided to apply the position of donator of trade credit. The managers of those diary cooperatives – and donators of per balance credit, who were using more liberal strategy of trade credit, have contributed to increasing the incomes from selling. In the case of the diary cooperatives – so called recipients of trade credit, the managers of them were shaping the indebtedness rates on a higher level than the managers of the group of the so called donators of trade credit. The managers of the diary cooperatives, which are counted in the group of recipients of credit, use more restrictive policy of imparting trade credit. The managers of both groups used more frequently a strategy of negotiating maximal terms of debts’ payment.

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How to Cite
Domańska, T. (2016). The financial situation of dairy cooperatives with different credit position. Zarządzanie Finansami I Rachunkowość, 4(1), 59–71.

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