The changeability of financial results vs. the development of the electronic banking on the example of banks from The Polish Banking Sector

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Emilia Stola

Keywords : commercial banks, financial results, electronic banking
The aim of the elaboration was to determine the relation between the number of customers having an access to the electronic banking and banks’ financial results. Analysis was made on the example of chosen commercial banks, functioning in the Polish banking industry in years 2008–2015. On the basis of its analysis of the financial situation, it was found that the value of the net interest income was relevant on bank’s financial result. The calculated Pearson’s correlation and regression model indicates there is a moderate or weak correlation, what means that the increase of the number of customers having an access to the electronic banking in the slight degree affected the value of retained earnings at chosen banks, functioning in the Polish banking industry.

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How to Cite
Stola, E. (2016). The changeability of financial results vs. the development of the electronic banking on the example of banks from The Polish Banking Sector. Zarządzanie Finansami I Rachunkowość , 4(4), 19–28.

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