Real option as an alternative in the valuation of investment project

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Michał Gnap

Keywords : real option, net present value, financial instruments
The most important function of every company is to create value for its owners. In this concept, it is necessary to make actions both operating and investing. They are targeted to increase economical value in the future. Very popular in this age net present value and internal rate of return, even though very popular, they face absolute tool. Every limitation which is typical for those methods, lead to situations where management must take decisions intuitively. So standard analysis NPV should be expanded by additional tools like the real option. The aim of this work is not to characterize approaches used for estimation of real option value, but to show how seemingly unprofitable investments can be profitable due to feature real options which can bring to company over-proportional profit.

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How to Cite
Gnap, M. (2017). Real option as an alternative in the valuation of investment project. Zarządzanie Finansami I Rachunkowość , 5(2), 53–63.

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Ustawa z dnia 29 lipca 2005 r. o obrocie instrumentami finansowymi. Dz.U. 2005 nr 183, poz. 1538.



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