Specific of investing (formings of the expenditure on material fixed assets) at higher education institutions

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Aleksandra Pisarska

Keywords : higher education institution investments; material fixed assets; sources of financing
The aim of this work is to determine specific legal aspects that influence the forming of the value of material fixed assets, considering accomplished purposes realised by higher education institutions. The source of financing of investment undertakings (of incurring the expenditure on material fixed assets) are among others financial means coming from the state budget or the EU budget. Studied subjects are higher education institutions, which were divided in thirteen groups according to classification of Statistical Central Office (GUS). A detailed analysis was conducted based on provisions of law being in force, which are regulating possibilities of financing from public and non-public higher education institutions resources the purchase or production of fixed assets on their own. Examinations concerning the forming of the value of material fixed assets and the legal aspects influencing it at higher education institutions were conducted in 2005–2011. In the study, there are analysed provisions of law applying to colleges which are regulating their activity in the aspect of the management of material stores. There are also set the values of the expenditure on material fixed assets at public and non-public higher education institutions. Preparing the society for playing an active role in the economic, social and cultural development of the country as well as in the international scale is main purpose of higher education institutions. The adaptability and the flexibility which are necessary for higher education institutions so that they can quickly react to changes in the society and economy and carry out tasks put for them at the highest level, depend mostly on increasing their autonomy, of ensuring the adequate level of funding. Through the autonomy also a possibility of deciding on main assets of the college is understood. Long-lasting material possessions usually constitute the large portion of the assets of higher education institutions. The level of the equipment is probably affecting the accomplishment of tasks put for them. Optimum structure, fitted to needs of higher education institutions, means the readiness for accounting from effectively performed tasks of the college both before the academic community and before the society as the whole.

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How to Cite
Pisarska, A. (2013). Specific of investing (formings of the expenditure on material fixed assets) at higher education institutions. Zarządzanie Finansami I Rachunkowość, 1(2), 15–28. https://doi.org/10.22630/ZFIR.2013.1.2.11


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