Global trends in brownfield investments implemented by international firms

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Katarzyna Żak

Keywords : mergers and acquisitions; global economy; foreign direct investments (FDI)
This paper presents content related to international expansion, which is valid and important both from the point of view of the enterprise, as well as national and global economy. One of the forms of activity in foreign markets are international mergers and acquisitions. Transactions of this type of host on the world markets for a long time, and its characteristic is that their intensity is once more, and less in another time. The phenomenon of cycling between low and then increased activity brownfield investments are called waves of mergers and acquisitions. Each successive wave differs from the previous one, because the environment in which businesses operate is subject to dynamic changes that generate ever new opportunities and threats. The article presents the main trends in the international strategy to acquire, as well as the scale of this phenomenon in the years 2000–2013. Also pay attention to how Polish companies find themselves in the international market of mergers and acquisitions, on the one hand – as passive actors of the process of internationalization, on the other hand – as active entities conducting international mergers and acquisitions.

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How to Cite
Żak, K. (2014). Global trends in brownfield investments implemented by international firms. Zarządzanie Finansami I Rachunkowość, 2(4), 81–91.

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