Problems of transnational investment low-carbon economy

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Ivan Gaidutskiy

Keywords : investment crisis; sustainable low-carbon development; renewable energy; mechanisms stimulating investment
The article highlights the controversial dynamics of transnational investment processes in a sustainable low carbon development, are covered the reasons for the recession, which has developed into an investment crisis caused by disharmony in the mechanisms of regulation of investment regimes. Based on the analysis of time series, author revealed that major investments aimed at renewable energy, went into solar, wind and bioenergy. Among the countries the main investment resource provider is China, which has surpassed the United States. By using the method of elimination, the author found that the decline in investments in renewable energy in 2009 occurred as a result of the general economic crisis, and in 2012 – as a result of disharmony of regulation and motivation investment mechanisms which led to unfair competition in this market. Scientific novelty of the paper includes justifying the causes and consequences of the first investment crisis in renewable energy. The practical significance of the article is to give recommendations for the introduction of global mutual policy in the regulation of investment regimes and investment motivation of sustainable low carbon development.

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How to Cite
Gaidutskiy, I. (2014). Problems of transnational investment low-carbon economy. Zarządzanie Finansami I Rachunkowość, 2(4), 31–39.

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