The variation of credit structure and the bank’s size on the example of selected cooperative banks

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Emilia Stola
Artur Stefański

Keywords : cooperative banks, credit portfolio structure, investment loans
The cooperative banks to be competitive in banking sector relative to the commercial banks and others banking institution had to pursue of customers’ credit request. It seems, that bank granted investments loans, which are quantified by smaller dynamics than retail loans. However individual bank’s commitment in this situation is relatively higher. Therefore is a question whether the genre structure of granted loans is being determined by the size of the bank? The aim of the elaboration was to determine the diversification level of loans’ structure due to bank’s size. The analysis of variance confirmed that existing essential statically of differences in the structure of investment loans and operating and debt instruments, however in other loans’ groups in the structure weren’t confirmed any differences depending on the size of the bank.

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How to Cite
Stola, E., & Stefański, A. (2017). The variation of credit structure and the bank’s size on the example of selected cooperative banks. Zarządzanie Finansami I Rachunkowość , 5(3), 89–100.

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